Saturday, 19 February 2011

Threats and hate mail for working with shooters

It seems there are some people in the birding community who cannot abide the idea of birders and shooters working together - and are prepared to break the law to torpedo progress.

Chrissie Harper, who runs an owl rescue and gratefully accepted donations from shooters to buy some much needed hospital boxes (story here and here), has now received threats and hate mail.

An anonymous letter sent to Chrissie says that "shooters are walking tall because of you", and on the back the threatening message "the world is a dangerous place".

Let's hope the raptor community are as quick to condemn this vile behaviour as they are to condemn alleged cases of raptor persecution.


Anonymous said...

It goes to show that as much as us shooters help out we will still be as bad as murders in some peoples eyes we help all wildlife.

Chris (TheRambler) Dean said...

Fantastic piece as ever James, lets hope this story isn't an unhappy one.
Chrissie is doing a great job and those that are threatening her should be ashamed of themselves. It is a disgrace that this is allowed to happen, these people should be shown for the cowards they are!!

Mike Price said...

I more than condem it, I deplore anyone bulling particually when it involves someone like Chrissie who works hard to protect and rehabilitate injured wildlife.

I hope they catch the culprit, they should make them do hundreds of hours in a rescue centre helping wildlife as a punishment, after they have made them plead for Chrissie's forgiveness.

Alan Tilmouth said...

Absolutely agree, bullies are bullies whatever their hobbies and this individual(s) should be ashamed of themselves.

vicky said...

Bully, coward, disgrace. Hang your head in shame whoever you are. Or cough up enough money that Chrissie doesn't need our help!

chrissie said...

I received another in the post yesterday and am expecting to get more, I will not open any more they will go straight to the police, how cowardly, sick individuals can condemn people from other walks of life when they do things like this beggars belief, there is no doubt in my mind that it is these people who cause all the trouble, they do not want any of us to get on together or work together, they have no interest in wildlife or people who work so hard to conserve it just their own sad agenda. We must not let these people win.
I neither shoot, hunt, wear fur or all the other things that this persons sends me literature about, even sending me pictures of hens in battery cages, which I deplore anyway, it seems that because I have friends,who have donated to help my rescue, and some of whom are members of the shooting fraternity I am a target myself.